Researchers are rarely interested in knowing only whether a
variable exhibits a significant relationship with another variable. The more
interesting research questions, and answers, are often about the relative
importance of a variable in predicting an outcome. Indicators of relative
importance may rank order predictors’ contributions to an overall regression
effect or partition the variance explained by individual predictors into unique
and shared variance. Relative importance of predictors is important for
theoretical development because it encourages parsimony, but also for
practicality as researchers and practitioners are faced with limited resources.
A brief review of psychology publications that report multiple
regression (MR) analyses would show that beta coefficients are clearly the most popular
indicator of relative importance reported and interpreted. However, an exclusive reliance on beta coefficients to interpret MR
results, and predictor importance in particular, is often misguided and we will briefly
review additional indicators that can provide useful information.
In multiple regression, beta coefficients (i.e.,
standardized regression coefficients) represent the expected change in the
dependent variable (in standard deviation units) per standard deviation
increase in the independent variable, holding all other independent variables
constant. When independent variables are perfectly uncorrelated, one can
estimate variable importance by squaring the beta weights. However, this
becomes problematic when independent variables are correlated, as is often the
case. In these situations, a given beta weight can reflect the explained
variance it shares with other variables in the model, and it becomes difficult
to disentangle a variable’s unique importance from the “extra credit” it gets
from shared variance. As such, beta weights should be relied on as an easily
computed but preliminary indicator of
a predictor’s contribution to a regression coefficient.
Pratt Product
The Pratt product measure is a relatively simple
method of partitioning a model’s explained variance (R2) into
non-overlapping segments. The Pratt measure multiplies a variable’s zero-order
correlation with a dependent variable by its beta weight. The correlation
measure captures the direct effect of the predictor in isolation from other
predictors while the beta weight is an indicator of a predictor’s contribution
accounting for all other predictors in the model. If a given beta weight is inflated by shared
variance, multiplying the value by its corresponding (smaller) zero order
correlation will correct for the beta’s inflation. Summing the Pratt product measures
for all the variables in a model generally results in the R2 except
in some cases where a negative product is yielded (often a signal of
suppression), allowing for straightforward partitioning and ranking of
Commonality analysis partitions R2 into
variance that is unique to each independent variable (unique effects; e.g.,
X1…X3) and variance that is shared by all possible subsets of predictors
(common effects; e.g., X1X2, X2X3, etc.). Partitioning variance in this way
produces non-overlapping values that can be compared easily. Common effects, in
particular, provide a great deal of information about the overlap between
independent variables and how this overlap contributes to predicting the
dependent variable. However, common effects can be difficult to interpret,
especially as the number of variables increases in a model and commonalities
reflect the combination of more than two variables.
Relative weight analysis (RWA) is a slightly more
complex method of partitioning R2 between independent variables.
When predictors in a MR are correlated, RWA uses principal components analysis
to generate principal components that are the most highly correlated with the
dependent variable while being uncorrelated with one another. The dependent
variable is regressed on these components in one analysis and a second analysis
is conducted in which the original independent variables are regressed on the
components. A given relative weight is equal to the product of the squared
regression coefficient from the first analysis and the squared regression
coefficient from the second analysis. Dividing relative weights by R2 then
allows for ranking of individual predictors’ contributions. Essentially,
relative weights are an indicator of a predictor’s contribution to explaining
the dependent variable as a joint function of how highly related independent
variables are to the principal components and how highly related the principal
components are to the dependent variable. As such, RWA partitions R2
while minimizing the influence of multicollinearity among predictors, a major
strength of the method.
Dominance analysis compares the unique variance
contributed by pairs of independent variables across all possible subsets of
predictors. To assess complete dominance, the unique effect of a given
independent variable when entered last in multiple regression equation is
compared to another independent variable across all subsets of a model.
Complete dominance occurs when the unique effect is greater across all the
models. Conditional dominance is determined by calculating the averages of all
independent variables’ contributions to all possible model subsets and
comparing those averages. Conditional dominance is shown when an independent
variable contributes more to predicting the dependent variable, on average
across all possible models, compared to another independent variable.
Azen, R., & Budescu, D. V. (2003). The dominance analysis approach for comparing predictors in multiple regression. Psychological Methods, 8, 129-148.
Johnson, J. W. (2000). A heuristic method for estimating the relative weight of predictor variables in multiple regression. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 35, 1-19.
Nimon, K. F. & Oswald, F. L. (In Press). Understanding the results of multiple linear regression: Beyond standardized regression coefficients. Organizational Research Methods.
Nimon, K. F., & Reio, T. (2011). Regression commonality analysis: A technique for quantitative theory building. Human Resource Development Review, 10, 329-340.
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